The War Show: Screening + Q&A with Producer Alaa Hassan
Facebook Event

Tue. Oct. 10, 7:00-9:00pm
Join us for a screening of “The War Show” followed by a Q+A with producer Alaa Hassan
The War Show (Obaidah Zytoon, Andreas Dalsgaard, Alaa Hassan) follows Obaidah, a Syrian DJ, and her circle of friends, artists and journalists. This documentary begins with a protest in 2011 at the beginning of the Arab Spring, and follows into an increasingly tumultuous and violent state of civil war. With early excitement and optimism this group of friends films the brewing revolution. As the conflict develops, the camera becomes “…an event in itself and seemed like salvation for the people. But it was also a source of danger”.
A collaboration with POV, the award-winning independent non-fiction film series on PBS