Playblack: A Breathing Space Conversation on Preserving Black Sound
Facebook Event

Fri. Feb. 28, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Leeza Joneé is a North Carolina-born, New York-bred creative of various mediums; writing, classic and digital illustration as well as photography. An aficionado of creative expression, Leeza has become known for curating unique experiences. Notably the popular Brooklyn based event series ‘The Breathing Space’, a semi-monthly platform geared towards cultivating community through candid conversation, addressing society shaping topics. Through this work, she has been featured on MadameNoire as well as Sad Girls Club, credited as a writer for her piece “Creating Space For Conversations That Matter”.
Vanessa aka Fiveboi (they/them) is a multidisciplinary creative. As a strategist, DJ/producer, writer, designer, and event organizer, they create spaces and experiences to empower queer and people of color communities to be their authentic selves and harness their creative energies.
Together they will host a record swap and discussion on how Black sound is preserved in our communities with our current digital state.
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