Nuke Watch Live Stream From Commend

Fri. Aug. 28, 5:00pm est - 7:00pm est
Music’s timeless ability to bring people together is now channeled into the realm of 1nes and zer0s. As much as we would love to be able to invite people back into our space, to congregate around a singular experience, we are dispersing that experience across multiple ISPs and beaming out, instead of drawing in. On Friday, August 28th, Nuke Watch will commemorate their new release ‘Countdown’, the third iteration of our Commend There label, with a 2-hour live performance from our space, to outer space, to your place. Tune in below for the audio-visual trip.
Nuke Watch is an amorphous entity emanating out of Bog 65, Beat Detectives’ former, and foundational, hideout / headquarters. In the familiar freewheeling formation of Aaron Anderson, Eric Timothy Carlson and Chris Hontos, studio mates, collaborators and friends, the Nuke Watch project transpired during a flurry of recording sessions with kindred spirit and central force Leonard King, visiting NYC from Minneapolis in early 2019.