June Town Hall Meeting – Community Guidelines in NYC Spaces
Facebook Event

Thu. Jun. 29, 6:00-9:00pm
At this month’s Town Hall Meeting we will discuss protecting people from harm and addressing accountability in NYC spaces, considering safer space policies as a set of community guidelines to be shared across venues.
Venue owners, promoters and knowledgable folks on safer space policy and discourse will share information, all are encouraged to attend and share their own experiences.
Town Hall Meetings are our monthly commitment to the Come! Mend! initiative, drawing from the great source of information and inspiration that is our community, holding each other – and ourselves – accountable for mindful, radical acts that affect our greater universe. They’re also an opportunity to engage with the multi-layered and multi-directional healing work happening around us, before us, and after us.
For more info on previous and upcoming meetings and events, visit: https://commendnyc.com/come-mend/