Come! Mend! Town Hall Meeting: Reform Marijuana Laws in NY
Facebook Event

Thu. Sep. 28, 6:00-9:00pm
For this month’s Town Hall Meeting we partner with the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) in a conversation about marijuana law reform in New York, and how it must be coupled with racial and economic justice-oriented policy shifts. As the progressive movement around marijuana policy gains momentum in the US, those impacted by the war on drugs, primarily black and brown people, have seen little relief in the way of sentence commutation, expunged records, community restoration, and are actively barred from participating in new, legal markets.
In collaboration with Cannabis Cultural Association, IDP, NORML, VOCAL-NY and LatinoJustice PRLDEF —- the DPA has formed the Start SMART New York campaign, centered around the proposed Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act. Through their advocacy efforts they seek to establish “a new, well-regulated, and inclusive marijuana industry that is rooted in racial and economic justice.”
Join us at Commend on September 28th from 6-9 pm to learn more about supporting these reforms, Start SMART NY, and racial and economic justice with a discussion led by representatives from DPA and Cannabis Cultural Association.
This meeting is part our September theme, Plants, which including workshops on Urban Plant Education, Sacred Herbal Smoking and Marijuana Reform in NY. Peep our website or the below Facebook events for more information!